Unione europea - collegamento al sito ufficiale
Repubblica Italiana - collegamento esterno al sito ufficiale del governo italiano
Regione Lazio - collegamento al sito ufficiale della Regione Lazio
Programma Operativo cofinanziato dal FESR la Regione Lazio - collegamento esterno al sito ufficiale
Sito ufficiale Lazio Innova

Accordo di programma quadro “Ricerca, Innovazione Tecnologica, Reti Telematiche” (APQ6) - Stralcio “Attuazione degli interventi programmatici e dei nuovi interventi relativi al Distretto Tecnologico per le nuove tecnologie applicate ai beni e alle attività culturali”. Intervento TE1 - Invito al Centro di Eccellenza a presentare progetti per la seconda fase - Progetti RSI


NanoInnovation 2022

Nanoinnovation 2022

The VII edition of NanoInnovation has been held from 19 to 23 September 2022 in a hybrid way. The organizers have structured the event with the purpose of guaranteeing a wide participation and ensuring health protection of all participants, considering the persistence of Covid-19 pandemic. The event has been characterized by a large participation in attendance and demonstrates the desire of the technical-scientific community to return to live events and conferences, to establish new collaborations, partnerships and connections. The conference has been held in the traditional venue, the Renaissance Cloister by Sangallo at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome, well-equipped to allow the streaming connection from all the conference rooms

maggiori dettagli

Informazioni sull'evento

Inizio evento 19-09-2022
Termine evento 23-09-2022


Poster Session

Nanomaterials for conservation of peperino artworks

Partecipazione alla conferenza con un poster dal titolo : COLLINE project: innovative materials and cutting edge technologies for conservation of peperino artworks


Rosaria D'Amato, valeria Spizzichino, Gaetano Terranova

Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety and Security Department, Physical Technologies for Safety and Health Division, ENEA C.R. Frascati.

The aim of the regional project COLLINE, "Preservation of stones by using essentials oils and nanotechnologies", granted by Regione Lazio in the framework of DTC-Lazio, is to develop, test and evaluate a protocol for the preservation of damaged surfaces of monuments under restoration, in real conditions. This goal can be obtained thanks to the synergistic use of innovative materials for conservative restoration, such as nanomaterials and essential oils, together with modern and innovative diagnostic and sensor techniques and the computerization of data, updated in real time, for remote monitoring and management

Two sites in the city of Viterbo, the Basilica of San Francesco alla Rocca and the Fountain of San Faustino (about 1250), were selected for testing both biological materials (i.. essential oils or enzymatic complex) and synthetic materials (i.e. organic polymers), and also nanostructured materials. Planned treatments allow not only immediate recovery of the manufacture, but also its long-lasting protection from outdoor agents, such as moisture and biological attacks.

In addition, the application and testing of integrated innovative techniques, aimed at a digitalization of the interventions and the results of the investigations, have the dual objective of making them usable on a large scale and manageable and monitorable remotely, ensuring, in this way, a considerable simplification of maintenance processes and a consequent minimization of the costs due to them.

Partner di progetto

Partner di progetto

ENEA -  logo Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
UNITUS - Università della Tuscia
Sapienza Università di Roma
De Feo Restauri